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September 12, 2024

Warrigal Supports Human Rights-Based Approach in New Aged Care Act 

Warrigal is proud to support the ground-breaking reforms outlined in the New Aged Care Act submitted to Parliament today.

Warrigal is proud to support the groundbreaking reforms outlined in the New Aged Care Act submitted to Parliament today. The bipartisan support for these reforms underscores the critical importance of aged care to the Australian community and the need for continued progress in the sector. The formation of the new Aged Care Act has been an ongoing process of collaboration. The importance of the Act was underscored by the Government’s receipt of more than 320 submissions and 800 surveys from providers and key stakeholders across the sector, offering feedback on the draft Act. 

 The Government is making a historic $5.6 billion investment in aged care reform, aimed at improving the quality and sustainability within the sector. Key changes include funding for home-based care, grandfathering current residents’ financial contributions, and introducing stronger regulatory measures to facilitate high standards of care. These reforms are positioned as the most transformative in 30 years. 

 Warrigal CEO Jenni Hutchins welcomed the changes stating; “The introduction of the New Aged Care Act in parliament today is a welcome relief; for our older Australians within care, those looking to enter care, their families, and for the staff and providers across the sector. We look forward to seeing the finer details within the Act as they are released in the coming days. We hope that within these details, we see a person-centred piece of legislation that focuses on the rights of all older Australians, not only in this generation but for generations to come.” 

 Fee contributions and the funding of providers were key elements in today’s media discussions. While we understand that co-contributions are a concern for older people who have not yet entered care, it’s important to clarify that residents will be asked to contribute towards their accommodation and daily living expenses, ensuring that care facilities remain sustainable for the future. However, what we heard today was that clinical care, which is essential to the health and well-being of all residents, will continue to be 100% funded by the government, ensuring that everyone has access to the medical and personal care they need. 

 In addition, residents already in care or who enter care prior to July 1, 2025, will be ‘grandfathered’ under the current system, meaning their financial arrangements will not change. This provides reassurance to our existing community members, allowing them to continue with the stability they rely on.” 

 Warrigal commends the government for listening to providers and stakeholders and creating an Act that prioritises the needs of older people in care delivery. This Act reflects the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and guarantees that high-quality care is both a standard and a right for every older Australian.  

 As a leading quality provider of aged care services, Warrigal remains committed to advocating for reforms that prioritise the well-being, dignity, and rights of older Australians. Our focus remains on delivering high-quality, person-centred care, and we believe these changes will help create a sustainable, more equitable aged care system that benefits both providers and the people we serve. 




Media Contact: Elsbeth Olalia, Marketing & Communications Manager | +61 (4) 3665 5808

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